New Facebook Group: Live Poets Society – aims to provide a platform for Changemakers

The ‘Live Poets Society’ is a new Facebook group I heard a rumour of recently.  Status currently set to secret, this new changemaker-writers appreciation blog and Facebook Group describes itself as:

“… a space where we give a platform and high five to those who weave rhyme and story to gently enlighten and make our world a better place.”

I’m hoping for an atmosphere akin to ‘The Tell’ with the kids and Captain Walker rather than long daily lists of who put a new poetry book on Amazon and asking me what do I think of its cover. I belong to hundreds of groups on Facebook that I don’t seem to have time to keep up with as it is. This one would need something special going on to persuade me to add it to my shortcuts.

I’ve been assured by it’s founder member that “It’s a space to bring genuine audiences together with new ideas delivered by spoken word and pen; A place to discover new talent; Somewhere to join in with a group high five to someone who’s just venturing out with their work; A space to applaud anyone brave enough to ‘go live’ with a reading or spoken word performance for the very first time; A club where there are others who want to encourage and support everyone to find their own voice; A sacred space if you like, where all members feel genuine happiness for the successes of others and find it inspiring. “

I’ve accepted an invite for afternoon tea at the LPS with promise of homemade edible treasure, so I’ll report back and let you know how it goes. I’ll end today’s news with a quote by a poet who never had a Facebook Group to try his creative mutterings out on (as far as I know.) The Irish poet Seamus Heaney receiver of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature.

“If you have the words, there’s always a chance that you’ll find the way.” Seamus Heaney, from Stepping Stones: Interviews with Seamus Heaney

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One Reply to “”

  1. She’s Love

    She love’s in
    Passionate displays
    Can you see
    Her emotions
    And colors
    That taste
    In textures
    Of flowers
    And nectar

    Like the desire
    In hummingbird wings
    In her spirit
    She may bring
    Turtles and Avatars
    In her night’s stars
    In secret dens
    Doors through knowledge
    Nature slightly bends
    In presents of
    Diamonds and gems
    But the light in her eyes
    You forget about them

    She has ember
    From the sun
    But you cannot
    Find in reason
    How she soothes
    Healing your wounds
    Like a rose
    Out of season

    And in time
    You may know
    She may show
    In solitude
    Where she goes
    In a sacred place
    She tends to her soul
    And should she
    Invite you in
    Lovingly in a sigh
    When the timeless dance
    Really begins……………….By Gabriel Szczurek


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